
Nature Connected Coaching with Suez Nields

Anam Treo

Who are we for?

Inclusive, diverse and forward-thinking souls, Here At Anam Treo, I strive to meet clients where they are on their own personal transformational journey. Anam Treo is for all.

Often, we just need someone to deeply listen, to guide us to our own illuminating light,  and to help us nurture that light as it grows from within. 

Whether you’re feeling lost, or stuck  in your day to day life, or if you are struggling with your purpose, or if you are looking for a new approach to old patterns that are no longer serving you… Anam Treo is For You.

It is also my mission to extend hope to those suffering from the despair caused by a myriad of mental disorders and physical challenges including eating disorders, PTSD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain and illness, addiction, mental health struggles as well as intellectual or physical differences.  I offer special packages for healing eating disorder, which you can find here.  


Services offered:  

  • 1:1 coaching

  • Ceremony tailored to your life transitions

  • Retreats, workshops and seminars

  • Nature walks for groups and individuals

  • NEW: Eating disorder transformational package

Read more about my offerings under Services.

What is Anam Treo?

Reach Out, Reach in, Look up, Look ahead. Find your Path out and Rise Up. 

Anam Treo translates from Gaelic into Soul Direction. The collaborative vision of Anam Treo is to create a sacred space for healing the whole: Self, Soul and Spirit. To fully develop and apply the client’s own innate intuition, using  immersion into nature to understand the relationships of everything to everything else. 

“We’re all just walking each other home”

                     ~Ram Dass 

What is Nature -Connected Coaching? 

Nature Connected Coaches (NCC’s) operate from the realization that one’s sense of well being is rooted in connection. Connection to our environment, each other and ultimately ourselves. We have seen how our own internal harmony and disharmony is reflected in our relationship with the land and loved ones. Nature is a doorway, a venue, and a powerful co-guide that leads us back into harmony and soul. For us, as guides and nature-connected coaches, these two motivators come together as one: We strive to help others feel a sense of internal harmony and associate that harmony with a powerful respect for the earth. This ultimately removes us (the guide and coach) from the equation and puts the healing spotlight on nature and back in the hands of the client. (Earth-Based Institute)

Suez Nields

“Those who move mountains begin by carrying away small stones”


Suez is a Nature-Connected Transformational Guide based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Her own decades long battle with anorexia nervosa, chronic migraine syndrome, PTSD, clinical depression and anxiety deeply informs her work today. Her own journey to healing began with slow steps inward, facing the fear and darkness of the unknown. Through a deep connection to nature, permission from self and others to explore new ways of being, unwavering systems of accountability and support and an underlying commitment to do “whatever it takes”, she overcame the odds and the naysayers and is now living a life of fulfillment, health and adventure.

Suez trained in Education at Augsburg College and the College of St Catherine In Holistic Studies. She worked with Students with ASD, EBD and CP, and in Family Advocacy before turning her attention to advocating for others in their Radical, Transformational Growth. This path led her to train at the Earth-Based Institute, out of Boulder, Colorado where she received Her Nature Connected Coaching Certification. (NCC)

She shares her life with Her Husband Charlie, and their canine hiking companion Roo La Roux. When not out on the trail or meeting with clients she enjoys hanging out with any combination of her three Sons and Grandson, time with Friends, traveling, camping, reading-preferably by a fire with a cup of hot cup of coffee or tea in hand.. Just BEING.

Click here to learn more about Suez’s own transformational Journey.

“ I will shout it from the mountain top, for as loud and as long as I have breath in my body… Nature is powerful medicine, and profoundly healing. Nature is all around us, nature is IN us. It is within, from that place of SOUL, where the answers lie. Come explore with me!”

 -  Suez 

While I truly believe that the services I provide can be profoundly healing, and while I have seen deep, meaningful results in my own life and those of my clients, nothing I share on my website, on social media, or in my sessions is intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. My services exist within the realm of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), meaning they are intended as a complement to, not a replacement of, allopathic (conventional Western) medical care. I encourage my clients to seek professional medical and psychological treatment for health issues and will refer out to qualified professionals as needed. 

-Medical Waivers for outdoor and physical activities required.