So you’re a Life Coach…..?

1:1 sessions on the land

“So….. you’re a Life Coach? “ 

Yes!  Let me share more with you as there is so much more… 

When I began searching for training  that aligned with my vision for the kind of work I felt called to do in the world, I was amazed and dismayed at the scope of training that was available. On one end you could get a certificate in a two hour training… or from a cracker jack box and call yourself a “life” coach and at the other end of the spectrum you could enroll in a masters degree program, spend two years and a hundred thousand dollars, get a piece of paper from a university and also be called a life coach. 

So with all that said, I believe the term life coach or coach has been watered down, or built up, to suit whomever is backing the certification.

Personally, I have adopted the title Nature-Connected Transformational Guide. For me, it more accurately defines my role, and doesn't leave the lukewarm feel of Coach or Life Coach in my orbit.

Other Professional Coaching frameworks are goal oriented and externally motivated, vs. Internal and soul-directed.

What is Nature-Connected Coaching (NCC) ? 

Nature Connected Coaches (NCC’s) operate  from the realization that one’s sense of well being is rooted in connection. Connection to our environment, each other and ultimately  ourselves. We have seen how our own internal harmony and disharmony is reflected in our relationship with the land and loved ones. Nature is a doorway, a venue, and a powerful co-guide that leads us back into  harmony and soul. For us, as guides and nature-connected coaches, these  two motivators come together as one: We strive to help others feel a  sense of internal harmony and associate that harmony with a powerful  respect for the earth. This ultimately removes us (the guide and coach)  from the equation and puts the healing spotlight on nature and back in  the hands of the client.

A Nature-Connected Coach is a Professional Coach who strives to guide their client to greater self-awareness, empowerment and connection to purpose. A NCC also has a strong personal connection, respect and trust in the natural world, natural cycles and natural processes. A NCC considers nature to be an active collaborator in their work with clients. (Earth-Based Institute)

What NCC is NOT: (or any credible coaching relationship, for that matter)

Being fixed or Changed by the coach or guide ( that’s the job of the client, we guide them to take the reins of transforming themselves!)

Diagnosis: (Coaches and guides are trained to refer to appropriate professionals for DX.)

Psychotherapy: (while the container may indeed BE therapeutic, it is not in a coach’s scope of practice to provide Psychotherapy.)

Guiding: a short definition-

A guide is someone who confidently and safely leads or shows the way through unknown or unfamiliar territory. As guides, there is a destination or direction that we are leading towards. That destination could be a location in the wilderness, a client-centered goal , or something even more abstract …like a client’s own inner truth or wisdom.

To guide confidently, one must have confidence in the territory in which they lead. For example, a wilderness guide is confident in their wilderness skills. Guiding someone through their inner process requires a confidence in working with the psyche and the “Inner Wilderness”

It is my Belief that it requires:

Walking the Walk

Talking the Talk

Living the Eternal Wilderness…

Head to

Heart to


As a NCC, I strive to meet clients where they are on their own personal transformational journey.

Often, we just need someone to deeply listen, to guide us to our own illuminating light,  and to help us nurture that light as it grows from within. Whether you’re feeling lost, or stuck in your day to day life, or if you are struggling with your purpose, or if  you are looking for a new approach to old patterns that are no longer  serving you… the framework of Nature Connected Coaching allows a partnership with the client and with the earth to uncover, and discover the answers that have always been in residence deep within.

In a nutshell, Nature-Connected Coaches align with nature, and use that lens to guide their clients back home to themselves.                                                                       Please click This link to hear more! (What is Your Why?)

If you think the Nature Connected Container would be a good fit for you, and you’d like to learn about working together, Visit Anam Treo’s scheduling page below! I’d Love to connect!



