
“Our Minds, As well as our Bodies, have need for the Out-of-doors. Our Spirits, too, need simple things, elemental things, the sun, the wind an the rain, moonlight and starlight, sunrise and mist and mossy forest trails, the perfumes of dawn and the smell of fresh turned Earth and the ancient music of wind among the trees…” - Edwin Way Teale


To quote Mary Poppins, was “Practically Perfect in Every Way”.

 Made even more so… by i’ts IMPERFECTIONS.

What was so special about yesterday? 

The Divine Ordinary in the Sacred Everyday.

Here’s the highlight Reel:

I got to spend the day with one of my Favorite people on the planet, immersed on the land.

I cannot even begin to describe all the magic, but I’ll try.

The dappled sunlight through the canopy of leaves that danced through the brilliant hues of the blanket of green on the forest Floor.

The rhythm of the waves as they crashed the beach, and the rocks on the shoreline

The insistent caress of a leafy branch against my cheek as we sat and watched the waves, and listened.

The Beauty of a majestic mature Eagle and a Juvenile as they soared by so close it felt like it was a show just for us…

HUNDREDS of Frogs as we hiked the GrassyTrail to the sand Point, a criss-crossing frenzy of Green , yellow stripes and brown spots

Making a Mandala on the Beach, a time to spend going in and reflecting in Gratitude

Finding Deer Tracks on the Beach

GIANT lily pads!

Feeling the Buoyancy of the waves as it supported my body as I floated on my back and let go, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face, and the cool refreshing water surrounding me… cleansing, invigorating and Awakening.

Receiving and Reflecting on the elemental messages of support, Abundance and Letting Go.

So Grateful.

Is your dial set to RECEIVE? 

What do you hear when you really Listen?

Suez Nields

Suez Nields is a Nature-Connected Transformational Guide based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


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