Footfalls and Feelings

Finding True North

Suez Nields Suez Nields



To quote Mary Poppins, was “Practically Perfect in Every Way”.

Made even more so… by i’ts IMPERFECTIONS.

What was so special about yesterday?

The Divine Ordinary in the Sacred Everyday.

Here’s the highlight Reel:

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The Void: A Call to Action
Suez Nields Suez Nields

The Void: A Call to Action

It’s May again and that means it’s Mental Health Awareness Month!

You can donate your time, talents, or treasure to some amazingly worthwhile and meaningful organizations that focus on ending the stigma of mental health struggles. In theory, there has never been this much transparency, resources, and support available to those in crisis than there is in this current moment in history. And this indeed… IS progress.

But… (you knew there would be a but, didn’t you?)

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